3. What Is Meant by the Terms Natural Law and Social Contract

When it comes to politics and law, two terms that often come up in discussions are natural law and social contract. While these terms may seem confusing at first, they play an essential role in understanding the principles that govern our society. In this article, we will delve into what these terms mean and how they shape our everyday lives.

Natural Law

Natural law is the principle that certain rights and behaviors are inherent in human nature and are therefore universally applicable. This means that these laws are not created by any government or authority but rather exist independently of them. For example, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is considered a natural law. These laws are believed to be discoverable through reason and rational reflection.

Natural law theorists argue that governments are not above these natural laws but, rather, should be a reflection of them. As a result, laws passed by the government should be consistent with natural laws. For instance, the concept of human equality is a natural law that forms the basis of many modern civil rights movements.

Social Contract

Social contract theory is the idea that individuals agree to give up some of their freedoms in exchange for the protection and benefits provided by governments. The contract is an agreement between the people and the ruling authority, where the people give up certain individual rights in exchange for the benefits of living within the society. This theory was first proposed by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

According to social contract theory, individuals agree to live within society and abide by its laws in exchange for protection and services provided by that society. The government is seen as a mediator between the people and society. If the government fails to provide these services, then the social contract between the people and the government is considered broken. This theory is often attributed to the development of democratic forms of governance, as it establishes a mutual agreement between the people and those in power.

Final thoughts

Natural law and social contract are two essential concepts that shape the principles of modern governance and the laws that govern our society. By understanding these principles, individuals can gain a better understanding of the rights and obligations they have as members of a society. As such, it is crucial to consider these concepts when discussing political and legal issues, to ensure that we maintain the principles of justice and equality.